My relative got pneumonia a couple winters ago. The med left him with terrible anxiety and unable to eat hardly anything. A doc in a city some miles away prescribed some supplement which got him back to normal. He (and I) think it would be good to have our medical people open to both pharma and supplements.
Regardless, it's no excuse for not prepping what you can and bugging out if need be.
Fish oil doesn't have a very stable shelf life but is excellent. Research if canned fish, oysters, sardines will supply the necessary amounts.
There may be some professional people forced to do the same thing. And a black market which would be very dangerous. But in the old days they bartered for a doctor with commodities.
When I get time, I'll check on borage. Charming true-blue star-shaped nodding flowers in clusters on fairly big plants. An annual. Places to get seeds.
Stockpile animal drugs if they are legal to purchase and not controlled.
There are lots of people who in desperation found their own remedies like giving up sugar for MRSA, alkaline water and food to get your system ph below 6 or 7. Stuff like that.
And sometimes a few things just clear up for no discernible reason.
“Stockpile animal drugs if they are legal to purchase and not controlled.”
In the past, I had bought a bunch of fish antibiotics, both for humans and for the pets. I had researched which ones would work for what critters and for what ailments. (Since I’m not 150% sure on any of it, I don’t want to post it here! I’d rather people make sure what they are giving their own pets.)
I think it’s time to purchase some more, since it’s been a few years.