I have known gangsters and politicians. I tend to trust the gangsters more. You don’t mess with their money, they leave you alone.
I have always had a few connections with bikers. They have always turned out to be more honest and trustworthy, not to mention loyal, then the majority of folks I’ve ever known. You give respect, you get respect. Never, ever pry. They’ve come through for me and mine in a few tough situations over the decades. Politicians, not so much.
I believe!
I would like to add to your list by saying, my Mexican neighbors that have lived next door for 20 years now have been better neighbors than a bunch of the white trash some of my other friends have had next door to them in MUCH better neighborhoods. He could barely speak english when I met him, he had his kids translating for us, called me Yeff, LOL. He went and took some classes and now speaks better English than me, drives a company truck and told me he was voting for Trump, because the illegals were hurting him and his children more than me and mine. Has a little landscaping business on the side with his son and their yard is always the nicest around... Great, hardworking kids too!
I do a favor for them like I would do for any neighbor, rented my cherry picker (engine hoist) so many times he would have given me what I paid for it if I took the $50 he offered me the last time... I told him that... and he could use it whenever he needed it from now on. I also told him no charge each time before, but he would not stop until I took it. Said he did not care, he would have had to pay that amount and go get it somewhere else. I did a few hours welding for him on a trailer, told him $200 and he gave me 3... They have fed us a few times when having a large gathering and make a bunch of food, Some of the Best Mexican food I have ever had and there is some pretty good stuff around Phoenix.