Does anyone actually remember Olestra? I was disgusting, It tasted terrible, had lousy mouth appeal and they pulled the plug on it because it was BS
Anyone remember Margerine? Oleo?
Olestra was disgusting, like eating a spoonful of Crisco
I never tried anything with Olestra but I remember that you did not want to overeat anything that used it or you might be in the bathroom a lot. Kind of like with sugar free candy.
I use butter, bacon fat, lard and coconut oil. The fryer has canola oil but I rarely eat fried food anymore even after my gall bladder was removed because I have pain still when I over do the fat.
Last time I had margarine was a few years ago when I did a paid survey and they sent me a container. I tried it and it was okay but after real butter it didn’t even compare. I liked and kept the tub it was in.