That’s where the “crank” part comes in. Velikovsky inserts 500 years into Egyptian chronology (he extends the Hyksos occupation by 500 years), which moves the Egyptian New Kingdom period to be contemporaneous with David and Solomon. This solves many issues with lack of synchrony between Egyptian and Israelite history. For instance, Thutmose III records his conquest of the Holy City (Kadesh) on his temple tomb walls at Karnak, including what appears to be the loot from Solomon’s Temple, which didn’t exist in 1400s. The only Jewish record that matches is that of Pharaoh Shishak’s conquest of Jerusalem and his looting of the Temple during the 5th year of King Rehoboam. Similarly, history records no “Queen of the South” that matches the Biblical Queen of Sheba other than Hatshepsut. So it kind of hangs together and makes sense, at least to this layman.
Here is an interesting link on Tut III’s conquest at Megiddo (Armegeddon).
Here is chronology as recorded according to Biblical accounts.