Now, fast forward 150 years, and what do we have? Both the middle and working classes had achieved a level of material prosperity & political influence never experienced before in history. But this achievement has significantly eroded the ability of the ruling class to manipulate and control both their supporters and detractors.
So what does the ruling class do? Simple, the merely transferred the classic economic tension to social differences aka "cultural marxism". Once again, order is restored to the established power structure(s) since the class struggle has been replaced by gender, race, nationality & religion. And of course, a key part of this strategy is population replacement by substituting immigrants for citizens.
As an aside, I don't really have a problem with their strategies. Life is simply competition for scarce resources. Divide and conquer is a time honored technique used over millennia. The issue I have is with those who label natural strategies as inherently evil, as if morality plays any part in this game.
Let them pursue what they will. Our responsibility is to both counter and attack. In other words, we should stop worrying about what they are doing, and focus on our own program(s) for victory. Like catechism, we know what they are: ending chain immigration, build the wall, deport offenders, halt anchor babies.
It's not difficult; what's hard is to laugh at the opposition's attempts to mentally weaken our resolve in an effort to have our side inflect self-defeat.
Sure, but now we have a large non-working class.
Marx totally missed that.
I can boil it all down to this:
Only the strong survive. There is strength in numbers. The West is weakening rapidly, the white population is diminishing rapidly.
The eventual outcome is obvious. In the end, whether this is “good” or “bad,” is immaterial. It is what it is.