roy moore is the latest chapter in the same book with sharron angle, richard mourdock, todd akin, and christine o’donnell.
the title of the book is, “here is what happens when we lose our freaking minds in the primaries”.
LOL! So true!
Then explain how we have a President Trump.
The GOP-e is at war with its conservative and populist base. They openly sabotaged the non-swamp GOP candidates you mentioned and then blamed the losses on the irregularities of the candidates.
The GOP-e did everything they could to stop Trump from being nominated or elected.
Now they actively oppose and defeat Moore and they are still trying to get rid of Trump through Rosenstein's Independent Counsel. Heck, Trump still doesn't have his sub-cabinet nominees confirmed by the Republican Senate!
The Swamp always tries to depict outsiders as inexperienced dangerous lunatic deviates.
If you think it is best to support the McConnells of the world, then we will agree to disagree. But I don't see how that accomplishes anything other than what we have already seen from American Government over the last century.