Physiologically well adjusted young ladies don’t join the sex trade.
Yes, porn is prostitute.
And it shouldn’t come to surprise anyone that individuals who choice this “profession” have an higher than average molestation rate as a child as well as higher drug and alcohol addiction. Thus suicides are higher as well. It is not a happy lifestyle.
No “conspiracies theories” are necessary to explain this young woman’s death.
But our fellow Freeper’s prayers are.
Most were abused as children. Some were sold into the life as very young children. Others were abused at home and ran away from home as pre-teens or very young teens and were then were deceived and trapped into that lifestyle while still basically children. Men wait at bus stops to meet kids getting off in downtowns of big cities, and pretend to be a friend to help out these scared hungry kids, and withing days have the kids under their control in the trade.It is almost impossible to get out once in, they are controlled by horrible bosses or even gangs, threatened with vioence or scared witless from threats to their families or kidnap of their siblings and worse if they try to leave. They already had no comfidemce in themselves or respect for themselves and most have no clue how to get out or that their is even such a thing as a normal life. Usually their so-called boyfriends or husbands are making a profit from selling them and they are beaten if they try to escape. It is a horrible and sad problem and a disgrace that it is going on in this country.
I urge anyone who wants to learn more rather than condemn to watch some of these documentaries.