Your latest response once again fails to provide any substantive argument against what refutes you, and which has reduced you to ad hominem and reiterating the same bankrupt ecumenism as before, and which is ignorant and contradictory .
You ignore the substantial and critical salvific differences btwn those who profess Christ, as if mere confession of faith in Christ means faith in the Christ of the gospel message of Scripture, and condemn those who contend against false doctrine in that interest, and want unity based on doctrine, that of profession of Christ, against those who oppose this doctrine, as if attacks on the Christian faith are only physical, and if conservative evangelicals debating conservative RCs does not mean that we can and do condemn Israel, due (at least on my part) to the very commitment to Truth that results in debating "merely" theological foes.
Thus while condemning intolerance of doctrinal differences you are essentially intolerant of those who disagree with your sloppy ecumenicism, which is that of a Christianity which cannot stand against those who attack it and is hardly worth defending.
Paul was not writing in response to Muslims when he said, >But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:8) and the devil usually initially comes dressed in Christian garb, as a angel of light, who typically mixes valid Truth with critical falsehood. .
Yet we can stand in certain forms and to a degree with even Mormons (which faith began with a demonic angel of light) against such evils as the homosexual agenda, but a Christianity that ignores the substantial and critical differences in salvific is not Biblical Christian faith and will not prevail against the gates of Hell.
Your dream of a warm and fuzzy Christianity has even resulted in you differing with your own historical church, which at one time faced a majority of "Christians" that professed Arianism, and as shown and ignored, excludes such evangelicals as myself, and rejects Prot churches as being worthy to be properly called "churches."
And few therein realize the regeneration which results in real spiritual unity, which evangelicals, despite their secondary differences most strongly attest to (If Catholics even voted like evangelicals in Presidential elections (80% Republican) then perhaps Obama might not have seen 8 years of negative transformation). And that unity is because of commitment to Truth, the same thing that resulted in the modern day evangelical movement.
But which movement has been becoming weaker but more liberal ecumenical, and which is what the devil - and it seem you unawares - are proposing, that we should do more than basically protest alike against a common enemy as Islam, but ignore our substantial doctrinal differences in the interest of greater unity. But which is a shallow and weak front, in contrast to spiritually and doctrinally separating from those who hold to false salvific doctrine and thus contending against both Islam, Mormonism, Catholicism and the like.
Division because of essential Truth results in a unity better and stronger than unity at the expense of it. Mind you that as a former fundamental Baptist I can attest that there often is an unwarranted degree of separation btwn born again Bible Christians on certain matters, but as explained and shown before , with Catholicism the issues are salvific and overall more substantial .
Yet you even ignore the differences you have your own brethren while arguing for your insubstantial ecumenism.
The greatest gift of our faith is that our Creator loves us, all of us, and gives us every chance to be with Him.
You need to slow down on the intensity and enjoy the gifts of our faith.