I think there are some women who would say they were "sexually harassed" if some guy they weren't attracted to once flirted with them or said they're pretty or asked them out, just so they could virtue-signal with a "Me Too."
That was pretty much Ashley Judd’s perpesctive when she decried an airline employee long after she hushed up about Harvey Weinstein’s actionable offense.
No doubt.
That airheaded twit who got the vapors when a lowly TSA agent dared ask her exalted highness for her phone number comes to mind.
Wolf whistles are taboo now. France wants to make them a criminal offense. Sure, there’s a big difference between an occasional whistle and an entire union crew but leftists take things too far.
I'm going to take you in the back and shove my * down your throat.
Please tell me you think that's flirting or him saying I was pretty 'cause if you think that, then you are dumber than a sack of broken hammers.
And my reply:
If you try, I will feed your * back to you in tiny bites.
Was that flirting back, in your opinion?