Sadly we have the Village idiot Sessions .
Weinstein investigation, probably. However, if Sessions/Trump start it, the Dems/MSM/Hollywood/SwampCreatures will simply circle the wagons. Let the current Press feeding frenzy do its work finding witnesses and arousing public wrath. Then DOJ can begin investigation/prosecution with its back covered.
Right now, all of Washington, New York City, Academia and the Left Coast will rush to defend anyone and anything which the Trump Administration opposes.
This is especially true of the Clinton Foundation. At the present time, that is simply a bridge too far. Trump & Co. need to have their flanks protected by, at least, public ire. It would be great if a few Congress Critters grew spines and a sense of moral indignation toward the Clinton Monster and joined the battle.
Also, Sessions needs to completely eradicate the saboteurs within the DOJ left by 8 years of Obama before beginning the big battles. The build-up for the Iraq invasion began about early September 2002 with military operations not commencing until March 19, 2003. Sessions has been in office only 8 months.