I get three papers delivered every day, including Sunday. The local Daily Herald, The Chicago Tribune, and The New York Times.
Well, they all have diferent puzzles! But honestly, I’m just a diehard. I’m not the only one, because I know the “paper guy” would not do it for me alone, but I suppose our days are numbered, although there are a few others on the street.
110 across : Sex appeal ... or a hint to the six starred clues ...
15 letters. I filled it right in, but only because I had several of the starred clues.
The irony is that the Sunday NYT magazine pages are not receptive to my favored Pilot Razor Point pens, so I make a copy of the Sunday pages to do them. Weekdays are cool.
... and yes, I was a paperboy! ... for the Newark Evening News ... ceased publication 1972 ... wow.