Its amazing how many on this site take whatever news, or fake news as fact. Ive read some of Bannon’s quotes, and he is now free to go after the deep state without the constraints of a employee. He knows who is deep state within the administration. People need to really look closely on who the news source is.
That is amazing. You pretty much can’t believe anything you read in the media without vetting it. You might enjoy reading the tweet series linked in post 4 and 28. That guy is a good follow on twitter.
The days are gone where Cronkite (as left as he was) gave 15 minutes news. Today there is way too much time for NEWS.. Turner started the 24 hours of news with CNN and the other networks followed suit. It’s too many hours of idle talk just to fill the day.. and I can’t stand that much gossip! They go over and over things that reduces them to teenage talk... and then they have ‘guests’ on to get their opinions... they all want to be on TV... or to be seen standing next to the main subject of the day. It’s unnecessary! It puts the ‘immature’ label on them that they try to pin on Trump...