I’m no apple fanboi, but I bought shares when the p/e multiple showed no respect for the ridiculous religious devotion of apple consumers. It was a no-brainer to buy. Glad the market is starting to acknowledge the apple consumer. Gonna cash out soon.
I have shares with a cost basis of $4.50. Every year they pay dividends which are almost equal to their original purchase price. If I had cashed out every time I read that I should, I would be a lot poorer than today.
As a guy who actually uses his computer in a small business, I am a big Apple fan. I don't really care what it costs to buy, the fact that it just works all day long, every day means that I can just use it.
DW also has a business, and she switched to Apple 15 years ago because she saw my computer work while her Windows machine failed on a regular basis. They just plain work, and the hardware lasts like a mother-in-law's curse.
Same for our iPhones. No futzing, no lost contacts.
We don't have a ridiculous religious devotion, we just like to have our stuff work. We use it to make a living.
One of the most amazing things in the world to me is that no one thinks twice about a carpenter having a $200 hammer, and top of the line tools, or a plumber having professional pipe wrenches. But if we choose to buy computers that are more durable and easier to use, we are "fanbois" and somehow suspect...