Garden is being eaten, overrun, buzzed cut and otherwise gone via Asian beetles. Send food now we are going to starve!
Not quite that bad but almost. I have sprayed countless times and do not like to do that. We won’t eat the sprayed areas but trying to kill enough bugs so they don’t lay even more eggs for next year.
If you are referring to Japanese beetle, they overwinter as larva approximately 8 inches deep in the garden and lawn area.
In the spring, they rise in the soil to feed on plant roots, especially favoring lawns and new and succulent garden plants.
Later in the season, they mate, lay eggs, and eat vegetation.
The best organic controls are light traps and glue tapes for adults, spraying Neem oil on maturing plants (including underside of leaves),
and deep fall garden cultivation, and serious fall garden clean up to break up the insect's life cycle.
Another insect control for beetles is 'milky spore' disease, an organic control specific to beetles which can be sprayed on plants ,
and will break up the life cycle by infecting the eggs and larva.