They are adorable!
Peoria is hot, but I’m getting used to it. The other day I heard myself say, “Only 104, not too bad.”
We’ve entered monsoon season. I haven’t been hit with a thunderstorm yet, although I’ve been chanting and lighting candles. Every storm has passed right by us except for the past two nights, when we weren’t home and the house got hit without us there. At some point I will actually be home when one hits. The first night I didn’t get rain but I did get wind and an amazing lightning show. I went out in the backyard around midnight and just watched it. The power of nature is amazing.
You’re just off the road from Wickenburg!
The monsoons take some getting used to, but I’ve lived in the desert (either NV or AZ) for so long that I dread the monsoons. Of course, it’s a lot hotter over Mesa way, and a lot wetter down in Tucson.
Do you get the moisture from the cotton fields and orange groves?
There hasn’t been any meteorological excitement here since the Saturday Anoreth arrived, when we got a massive lightning blowout and 5” of rain in an hour.
3” of rain over night is nothing!