“Scientists arent yet certain that electrons and their relatives are violating the Standard Model of particle physics, but the evidence is mounting.”
How arrogant can you get??
If anything is doing the violating, it’s the Standard Model, not nature. Nature ain’t about to change to make any model happy.
I recall back in physic’s class (college probably) where the prof was talking about electron levels, and how an electron could NEVER go above a certain threshold. Like a basketball player that could NEVER jump higher than 9’ 10”.
“Now then - how many times will the player have to jump to get over 9’ 10” tall?”
“He can’t!”
“Well, you would be wrong. Because sometimes we DO see electrons in those higher levels. So if they have enough energy they STILL can make it to those levels - even though they aren’t supposed to.”
Well - at least that’s how I remember the discussion. There was lots of stuff like that - which STILL doesn’t make sense to me.
Like “How fast does a train that is two miles long have to be going to be able to fit inside a one-mile-long tunnel?”