jefferson was my least favorite founding father — by a lot. he was a destructive utpoian idealist, a francophile, committed cowardice n the face of the enemy, and if alive today, would probably be the second coming of teddy kennedy.
people just don’t know their history. I assume they’re drawn to a few dozen out of context quotes, and the word “republican”. he was a fairly decent sized slime ball, and probably was screwing his slave.
Agreed, although he did a good job with the Constitution.
jefferson probably also committed sedition during the washington and (certainly during the) adams administrations.
and it’s even possible that he actually crossed the line into treason.
He is one of my favorites, just the writing of the Declaration of Independence makes him one of the greats, the Declaration has inspired people all over the world. Follow that with his purchase of the Louisiana territory and stopping the Barbary pirates just increases his stature.
Was he perfect? No, but then none of the founding fathers were. They all made mistakes and disagreed with each other on things. I do believe from everything I have read on the subject that he did father children with Sally Hemings.
I think you are being a little hard on T.J.
His most well known starts with, "When in the course of human events," and that ain't too shabby.
Your opinion is not worth the keys on your keyboard.