I can’t speak to California Cruel, but honestly the UNIPARTY is in on it as well, and reek with guilt.
It is sickening, even in the Conservative Caucus, including the most touted “devout”. They’ve increasingly ignored this barbaric practice for decades.
There will be no peace, no reward, to ever rest on the USA until this practice is stopped. Death and suffering has been elected. The elected prefer it. The US will most assuredly reap what has been sewn. Certainly, we already are.
I’m not pro life. I am pro choice who happens to choose life. If I am pro choice who chooses life, then libs must be pro choice who chooses death. If we confront them with this fact, their heads will explode.
You are correct......there would be no abortion if ‘the people’ didn’t want it.
The same people in office and pushing abortion in the 60’s are still in congressional offices.