Of course if he had not been on cumidin in the first place he would not have had a stroke. D alpha trophipherol or natural vitamin E does the same thing as cumiden, and the body can regulate it. It also does not cause internal bleeding and bruising like cumiden.
Mahe sure your vitamin DOES NOT contain L alpha or DL alpha, the L component is synthetic vitamin and causes the body to flush out all vitamin E.
4oo to 800 unit's of Natural vitamin E a day works better than cumiden.
Do not take vitamin e or aspein with cumiden. If you are on cumiden there is a list an arms length long on things you should not eat. Grapefruit etc. Cumiden is seen in the body as a toxin so natural detox foods can drop your cumiden levels.
Cumiden is barbaric, and causes far more deaths than it prevents. But it makes Big Pharma money, so...
Guess what, the docs have put her on Coumadin. Sheesh. I do not have the medical rights, I only can maybe influence who does. I’ll add more prayers.