I’ve never seen it claimed that MJ cures cancer. I’ve read many times that it helps with the nausea from chemotherapy and helps to stimulate the appetite in people who otherwise couldn’t eat. Where did you read this claim?
RE: Where did you read this claim?
I think it would be best to ask the author of the article. I only posted what I read.
I have a close friend that is trying to cure his prostate cancer with hemp oil. He is nuts for not going the conventional way as it is one of the most treatable cancers there are. He claims to have done extensive research on the subject.
He ain’t cured yet.
Its everywhere. There is a certain class of people...people who can't pay their own bills on time, don't understand how taxes work, made poor grades in school...but they are experts in a wide variety of subjects, to include cancer cures, chemtrails, faking the 9-11 attack, etc.
BTW...chemtrails...if the government were really spraying an unknowing populace with chemicals, wouldn't they use a clear version that we couldn't see?
Absolutely correct. My ex is a 2 time breast cancer survivor and weed was the only thing that stopped the nausea.
I see the cancer cure lie make the rounds on Facebook every few months. I have an otherwise very intelligent cousin who has fallen for this lie. She also thinks dietary supplements have “cured” her gallstones.
There is more snake oil being sold to the public by way of the internet now than there ever was from a peddler’s wagon.
It is being spread on Facebook, not just that it cures cancer but a long list of things. The claims are so wild it reminds me of a medicine show in an old western show. I see the memes all the time because I have a pot head cousin that posts them daily. The odd thing is how many people believe marijuana is a cure-all and the government doesn’t want us to be able to use it.
It’s beneficial for chemo-induced nausea and nausea in general. It’s beneficial for inappetence. It’s beneficial for glaucoma sufferers due to increasing blood flow to the eyes. Beyond that I am not aware of any legitimate claim of health benefit from THC or marijuana.
Smoking weed does not cure cancer. It does get rid of nausea and headaches.
However cavinoid oil which is a highly concentrated extract of marijuana is curing cancer everyday. Especially lung cancer. Of course the medical community which is joined at the hip with big pharma will never ad it it. Big pharma is making way too much money on chemo treatments which have terrible side effects and for the most part don’t work.
Most people don’t have a clue that most medicines and tinctures manufactured and sold by big name companies prior to 1937 contained cannabis. It was very effective.
For instance if you are taking celebrex for moderate to severe arthritis pain you could just take organic tumeric everyday like I do and Get off celebrex. But your doctor will never tell you that. Because tumeric can’t be patented and then sold for a gazillion dollars.
If you get a UTI or any other bacterial infection you could just take colloidal silver but again it can’t be patented and sold for a gazillion dollars.
Same deal with cannabis/cavenoid oil.