After you or your pet, as happened to my beloved dog, have been attacked by a pit, you lose all sympathy for arguments in favor of the breed.
Anything positive pits have done can be accomplished by many other breeds. The vast carnage pits have created would be gone w/ the breed.
I’m sorry you went through that. Among the dead and the maimed, there aren’t statistics that adequately capture the emotionaal pain, trauma and loss caused by pitt bulls. Nightmares, heart break, phobias etc. are invisible to those who lobby on behalf of these beasts. One horrific account of a child undergoing massive reparative surgery following a pitt bull attack noted that the large surgical team “held it together” for the long hours of surgery. But after the child was wheeled away in bandages, they team members drew the surgery bay curtain closed and cried. What about their trauma? The police and other first responders? PItt bull advocates don’t have to deal with the “mess” these animals make.