How many muslims in Spain currently? What are their breeding rates relative to native Spaniards?
I would guess you’ll be coming back sooner than you realized.
There is a small number and they would have to breed for hundreds of years to catch up to the mostly Catholic majority. No refugees coming in because there is no work for them.
Last week was Semana Santa. Starting on Palm Sunday and right up until Easter the different churches hold processions through the streets, some during the day others not finishing until 2-3am. They fire off rockets and ring bells to advertise their progress. Each procession has 1000+ marchers with 150 or more needed just to carry the statues. This goes on all through Spain. I don't think the muzzies will be stopping this any time soon. Here is a link to a few of last year's processions, take a look. I will be marching in one of next year's processions.