Dave Brat is my Representative.
100% Heritage Foundation score.
I already called him Friday to thank him, but can make more calls to the rest of the Freedom Caucus on Monday.
His office said the calls were 7-1 against Ryancare.
We know it was rearranging Obamacare in an attempt to preserve it to continue to keep the power that Fedzilla derives from controlling health care and medical records.
I can’t believe the number of freepers that wanted to hang Obamacare around their own necks and that of the GOP.
The bill was not repeal or replacement it was rearranging.
You are very fortunate to have a rep who truly understands free markets AND who truly wants Trump to succeed.
It’s Brat’s opponents (whose primary goal is self-preservation, NOT the interests of the American people) who want Trump to fail. Ryan and Romney are cut from the same cloth, still smarting from their humiliating defeat. Priebus was in no way instrumental in Trump’s victory and the Ryan/Romney defeat proves that.