Just ask, if it’s true, how are you going to “fix” it?
Please provide valid cost / benefit numbers that will guarantee a successful reversal of Global Warming / Climate Change including a detailed day by day project planner and the exact end date of a successful transition.
I will also be helpful to determine the standard Average worldwide Temperature so the Goal Line will be transparent to those who lack understanding of the process.
The UN head of the IPCC already stated that climate change is their tool to destroy capitalism.
A day or so ago someone posted an article by Scott Adams (the Dilbert guy) on climate deniers. His focal point was the inability of climate extremists to differentiate between real and serious.
The Real argument revolves around whether or not Anthropogenic Climate Change truly exists, what evidence of its existence are provable, what its manifestations are, and what consequences, both negative and positive might it represent.
The Serious argument revolves around the costs attributable to ACC - if any. This can be called the Chicken Little - or Al Gore effect. In their opinion they don’t care if the science is settled or not (although they now claim that it is) we must do something, even if it’s wrong.
Argue with a leftie and they’ll slide effortlessly between the two as though they are one.