Prefer LED bulbs here. Any heat reduction is a blessing in SFL. And I see no problem with the light from them.
Would gladly abandon incandescent for LED and am slowly changing out as I can afford.
LEDs in 100/60/40 can be had for less than a buck and I defy you to tell the difference in light. I have a six bulb light in my bathroom I get 600 watts of light for the price of one 60 watt regular bulb. As bad as I hate all those busy body regulators industry has measured up and produced some great products.
Anyone who hasn't tried some of the new low volume toilets have no clue how advanced they have become. Flush first time every time and no double flushing, 3.5 inch flapper valve makes a difference. Wonder how many years it would have taken for that technology to bubble up without being forced. Well the old one was well over a hundred years old so maybe never....