The Hildabeast, and many in her circle, are guilty of numerous crimes, quite possible including treason, for approving of the sale then *profiting from* the sale of U.S. source uranium to the Russians.
There were many laws broken when the Clinton's (through their Foundations) profited. The money was supposed to be enough to help put her over the top, but she miscalculated when not taking Trump seriously.
I still think there was a Bubba' Clinton influence, a signalling from The Bent One Master Triangulater to Trump along lines of; -- go ahead and run -- afterwards we'll look after you, use our connections to make sure you get super refinance terms on your outstanding business loans...and then going without saying; 'cuz let's be serious-- Shrillary ain't going to lose toyou, DJT. Go have some more fun paling around with Vince McMahon, and the World Wrestling Foundation. Wasn't that a riot?
They tried to play Trump (I think). He played them all right back (by playing it straight and playing to win --- not just acting like he was playing it straight' in order to ensure victory for the 'Rats).
‘she miscalculated when not taking Trump seriously.’
“Why am I not 50 points ahead, you may ask.”