Trump is more like Reagan and Clinton than Bush or Obama.
By that I mean that Trump can communicate directly with the people and they relate to him. He will win the people to his side in greater numbers than the 2016 election.
In addition, Trump is a strategic thinker who is already planning his re-election. He will plan these four years accordingly. As a businessman, Trump targets his energy and actions toward the greatest impact for desired results.
Trump understands the tactics of the Democrats and uses them against them. By the next election there will be more voter ID laws and election integrity. A few voter fraud prosecutions prior to the elections will hurt the Dem turnout.
My concern is the Republicans who are RINO’s and don’t support him.
With 10 Dem’s up for reelection in states that Trump won, my question is, “Will Republicans get the “Super majority?”
After last night a lot of them are rethinking that opposition. Not McCain of course, he's too stupid to know what's going on, but the more lucid ones are aware that there was a seismic shift last night.
My concern is the Republicans who are RINOs and dont support him.
Exactly why Corker, Heller, Hatch and Flake must be Cantorized in the primary.