Just watch it again. Warren Beatty did nothing wrong. He wouldn’t read what his card said because it was NOT the correct card for a Best Picture. Why would they have “Emma Stone” on a best picture card?
Faye Dunaway was getting embarrassed by him (and maybe due to his Alzheimer’s) so she just blurted out LaLaLand. It wasn’t either of their faults.
Some a hole gave them the wrong card backstage.
"You had ONE JOB!"
Of course, idiot Kimmel after the f up says.. “why can’t we just give out a whole bunch of them”?
Everyone deserves an Oscar award! Everyone wins!
This was was the perfect Oscar ceremony at the perfect time..these people are clearly self absorbed, deranged and fake news alerts.
Trump winning!
How can you not blame her? She could have said, "It appears we have the wrong envelope."
Actually It could have been a good person who is fed up with Trump bashing or just.....fed.....up with their slime.