Posted on 02/10/2017 12:20:08 PM PST by sergeantdave
My grandmother had a boating accident and her AK-47 got dumped into the lake. Now shes looking for a replacement.
She has $500 from winning 1st prize for pickled beets at last years state fair and can kick in another $700 from her kitty cat fund. So her budget is set at $1,200.
The Bulgarian 7.62x39mm SAM7R-51 from Arsenal appeals to her.
Atlantic Firearms has a Polish AK47 Rifle WBP Classic Wood W/ Range Pack on sale for $979 and an AK47 Rifle Battlefield Pick-Up Romy VPG for $739.
Do any of you FReepers have experience with these rifles?
Pros and cons?
Other suggestions?
Grandma thanks you.
“No Mr. Bond...I expect you to die!”
Are you on good terms with your Grandma?
It sounds like she’ll have a heck of an estate to pass on to her heirs. I hope you’ve made your desires known as to what you’d like to receive. Be sure she puts it writing. Something like this could cause a real rift in the family if the paths for inherited items aren’t clearly defined.
Luckily, when Pops passed, other than me, the siblings were all leftist loons that ran from the “hardware”. I inherited that stuff by default simply because I’d always been, in their words, “different”.
I still get letters from the home owner’s association about the WW2 Sherman tank parked in the driveway. I guess they’re afraid to knock on my door. They want me to move it to the neighborhood boat parking lot.
Dave, what make/model is this gun? beautiful!
I used to have a Dan Wesson .357 I wanted to do that to. Sure, it won’t do the .410, but they do make saddle guns in .357.
But alas, I, along with far too many people, can’t handle a boat worth $#!t.
I have been thinking about throwing one of the Magpul Zhukov stock sets on it as the original stock is just a bit short for me.
Keep your gun stocks, and let it ride.
i will need the specifications of the lake location and an approximate gps coordinate...
and scuba gear
Cool Mr. K, what is it ??
Sweet, but kind of pricy
I sure would like to find that lake where all of the Freepers, keep losing their guns in via boating accidents. A little of scuba diving and I’ll have enough guns to last me a couple of life times.
Rossi Circuit Judge
Yeah, gator hunting can be dangerous, especially when you’re noodling for them.
I was thinking more of the Obama import restrictions.
Heartbreaking. Where’s the tissue alert?
G-d bless grandma.
Apparently Freepers make lousy boaters.
Maybe DU has an AR-47 or an AK-15 Glock thread you could check out.
Yes, and so would the EPA.
They’d declare it a wetland and ‘drain the swamp’.
Oh seems a certain Prez is in the process of defanging them.
Oh well...MAGA.
“Please help Grandma buy a battle rifle.”
Your gonna need a bigger cartridge.
I don’t even know what she lost, but I feel bad for her....
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