Purple Rain: Father! You’re alive! But ... we’ve gone to so much trouble to avenge your death. And the money we’ve spent! Oh my Allah—we had to sell all our Rosland Capital gold to pay for this!
Sheik Two-Face HA! All part of my plan to capture the redhead who made my right eye look like a dog’s anus!
Ready to watch this week’s eppy. Passover put me way behind on my shows!
Rofl! Dogs anus eye!
And double rofl at having to sell all the Rosland gold! I do hear President Heller will buy back the gold at double it’s value...
Good morning, Yaelle! I hope you’re having a blessed and happy Passover!
Even that might not be enough. Sheik Two-Face is considering something truly drastic--a reverse mortgage!
And not one of those Henry Winkler, Tom Selleck ones either. A full-on Fred Thompson reverse mortgage!
Yes, things are that bad.