Lablady came to visit for almost an hour, but had to leave for a hair appointment. She brought over some counted cross stitch she is looking to get framed, and one of them is a sampler done in two shades of blue (like my kitchen) she did years ago that I have been trying to talk her out of. She said she would make one for me.
My response? “I’m an old lady, so don’t take too long at it. I want to enjoy it before I die!”
She said she and her beau were in Boulder City, yesterday, and checked into sky diving. I told her I wanted to do it for my 75th birthday, and that if I save my pennies, I might be able to afford the $215.
Ha-ha. I need to get moved and get a desk, first!
Anyway, it was a nice visit. As visits with her go.
The sun has been shining and when I went out to sit with Charlie, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Still isn’t! But the wind is cold. :o[
It’s nice that you had a visit from your daughter!
I’m having a second bowl of mushroom soup, and then I’ll wash up.