Understood, but my point being that had the city not been lax in enforcement, there would be no death trap.
I agree with your analysis completely. If there was any sort of church, ‘non-progressive’ business venture, or (heaven forbid) right of center political activity going on in that building, the City of Oakland would have broke out the ‘regulations’ on them and had that building cleaned up months and months ago. Of curse, no one deserved to die such a horrible death, but the city likely made exceptions to the rules because they were ‘free-spirits, painters, artists, progressives....liberals.’ It’s just another example of why the laws should be for everyone...even for the ‘progressives’ who are ‘trying to save the world’. It’s a sad situation. I hope the family and friends of the deceased can somehow find comfort. Uhggggg!!!
Yes. We need more regulation and more enforcement.
The taxpayers (city) should be sued and pay each one of these fine peoples family a couple million each to relieve their pain and suffering.
These are not persons who should bare any responsibility for congregating in an obvious unsafe structure. These are “artists” who love free expression. (Irony)
Caution: This post may contain sarcasm.