Thanks to all thus far for the advice on finding legitimate on-line work. We will try to post something when she finds something. We appreciate the Freepers’ kind responses.
Just wanted to say, this is a nice thing you’re doing for her. The resources on FR like 2DV and others are terrific, but few would ever think to ask on a site like this. Sure hope something great comes her way.
there ARE legitimate online jobs doing medical coding and medical transcription; I’ve met several people who do that.
I have no idea how to find the legitimate ones vs. probably a lot of ones scam artists are out there scamming people with.
I know some people with autism who work on quality assurance online for the gaming industry. Also, some people can do voice work from home. That’s all I have known about. Though on writers’ web sites there are writing jobs, pages for pennies though.
I wonder how many quality jobs (with quality pay) are available remotely
At (used to be, she can offer her services as a freelancer in any number of specialties, proofreading, copy editing, writing, etc.
There are plenty of jobs. She is going to have to get creative though. She is going to have to plan on how to do it She will be her own boss in other words.
Offer her services for a fee and whatever market price she wants to charge via her computer connection.
Right now there are people all over the world offering all types of services. Usually they will give you some basics for free as a selling point and then you pay them more for whatever skill set or service you need.
Send her this link to get ideas,
The only way is to pound the pavement and meet clients face to face first. Establish trust on their facility the you can do some work from home.