I am telling you—just the two words “Anthony Weiner” drives the Clintonoids nuts!
Protest signs with just those two words will devastate them.
I sent a damning video of Huma's emails on Weiner's laptop computer to a former neighbor/Clintonoid. This is what I got in return:
"Money from ultra conservative billionaires seeking to upend the status quo.
That these conservatives are aligned with people who are working to deny women's rights because of their religious views on the traditional roles allowed for women.
Deeply troubling. Except that happened in the 2000 election when the Koch brothers managed to get an evangelical Christian into the White House.
9/11 soon ensued followed by a trillion dollar war and a never ending commitment to more blood and treasure.
Just for fun remember that these conservatives were at the wheel when the United States drove into the biggest ditch since the great depression.
Coincidence? I don't think so.
This election voters who "elected" a conservative ln the 2000 election have abandoned the conservative agenda and chosen someone they regard as a change agent.
I guess the Reagan Era is over."
Did I just receive a rant that has nothing to do with Hellery's "HMS Titanic Moment"?