I think I know myself pretty well. Somehow I don’t see myself charging into someone who is actually sending rounds into the surrounding environment. 1) Concealment as best possible while looking for 2) cover while looking for 3) better cover 4) while looking for exit to 5) Safety. Trying as best possible to be aware of source of rounds and decisions about better cover. Engaging is what you do to continue process 1 through 5.
Trotting into a firefight is for heroes. Notice most CMH awards are posthumous.
This one sentence is why I posted this article. It explains my thoughts about the situation. “My job, my one and only job, the only thing Im worrying about is to keep me and mine safe.”
Nobody will pay my medical, legal or funeral costs if I was to rush in with a superhero attitude. I am not a paid LEO so I don’t consider protecting society as one of my duties.