HereAs with other words and phrases they are unwilling to use in their public discourse, they will not call it "socialized medicine," because they do not believe the have voters propagandized adequately for that to allow Hillary to be elected, but be not deceived, that is the goal of the "progressive" regressives.
Excellent Point!
The propaganda is so emersive from all directions,
even I get skewed. Another post told me forget about the name Single or Tax, but single derives from Monopoly and banning alternatives. That’s awful. The propaganda is thorough in our decline to tyranny.
The correct terms are:
Correct: Tax Payer Socialized Medicine
Propaganda: Single Payer Hillary Care
It is NOT healthcare. It is NOT single payer.
It IS socialism. It is NOT care. It IS loss, theft.
Thanks loveliberty2 :-)