You can google it. Dr. Noel has carefully explained it as well, as well as how Parkinson’s patients can minimize with their hands on a table or desk like Hillary had, but with the same finger action continuing.
I find Dr. Noel’s videos fascinating and very informative. FWIW, I recommend them highly..earlier posts above have links.
I wonder if she loses the election, and Trump holds to his promise to have a special prosecutor(s) investigate her various crimes, I wonder if suddenly she will develop Parkinsons or some other serious disease so she can avoid prosecution!
That doc seems like an insightful and courageous individual. Not being a Dr myself, I can’t speak to that isdue. Two things I do grasp, hiwever: 1, Hillary often sounded—while looking down—as if she were reading, and 2, her light (which Trump did not have) did not switch off; it powered down.