To preserve his prestige in his radical revolutionary chic social circles he is openly styling himself as a Kenyan born revolutionary who is lying and putting one over on the great unwashed idiot American voters with his claims of being American born
This radical chic social circle includes most of the American media who are knowingly and enthusiastically perpetrating the fraud on the American voters with their non stop ridicule of what they derisively term ‘birthers’
Obama is perpetrating frauds inside of frauds
How is it that no one points out that it is individuals in the state of Hawaii that are actually culpable?
People acting for the state declared the information true, making the document itself moot.
I know there’s a hobby of trying to parse statements from Hawaii, but every court in America will accept Hawaii’s authentication short of ironclad proof otherwise.
No one can authenticate their own place of birth. It HAS to be done by others.