Anybody else listening? That voice is PAINFUL to hear. No wonder she went into seclusion for so long.
1 posted on
08/25/2016 12:32:51 PM PDT by
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To: PJ-Comix
Hillary can’t speak?
It’s a good day in Reno!!!
2 posted on
08/25/2016 12:33:42 PM PDT by
To: PJ-Comix
You can listen to Hillary's annoying sandpaper hoarse voice
3 posted on
08/25/2016 12:34:26 PM PDT by
(Tell It, Skinner, about your Slinton Cash Payoff Money)
To: PJ-Comix
It’s hard to lie like she’s doing....
Racist Dog-whistle after racist dog-whistle
4 posted on
08/25/2016 12:34:37 PM PDT by
(They told me it could never happen in America. And then it did....)
To: PJ-Comix
5 posted on
08/25/2016 12:34:44 PM PDT by
(I Love Bull Markets!!!)
To: PJ-Comix
Hey c’mon this isn’t an S and M site.
6 posted on
08/25/2016 12:34:51 PM PDT by
To: PJ-Comix
She’s being a real b*tch!! Make American hate again? I detest this women with every fiber of my being!!!
7 posted on
08/25/2016 12:34:56 PM PDT by
To: PJ-Comix
Drugs that give you dry mouth??
8 posted on
08/25/2016 12:35:19 PM PDT by
( sleep with one eye open (<o> ---)
To: PJ-Comix
God is smiting this racist (expletive deleted) Hillary Clinton.
10 posted on
08/25/2016 12:36:17 PM PDT by
(Radical Islamic terrorist Omar Mateen is "Ready for Hillary!" Are you too?)
To: PJ-Comix
You deserve a MEDAL for listening I CANT STAND this LYING BITCH!!!
To: PJ-Comix
She is horse and trying to avoid her inner Stroller, but it is making its way out.
13 posted on
08/25/2016 12:37:03 PM PDT by
A CA Guy
(God Bless America, God Bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: PJ-Comix
To: PJ-Comix
Traffic is a mess here and the humidity is 12%.
18 posted on
08/25/2016 12:40:31 PM PDT by
(Poo poo the polls at Trump's peril.)
To: PJ-Comix
I must have missed something.... did Trump say we would not have black Olympians?
Seriously? This is the best she has?
19 posted on
08/25/2016 12:40:40 PM PDT by
(Clinton Cash = Proof of Corruption)
To: PJ-Comix
Unfortunately, I listened to that race-baiting screed - now I need a good purge!
"Riamh nár dhruid ó sbairn lann!" |
25 posted on
08/25/2016 12:42:23 PM PDT by
(HM/2 USN - 3/5 Marines RVN 1969 - St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!)
To: PJ-Comix
Hillary: Don’t Criticize me! Because there might be children listening!
26 posted on
08/25/2016 12:42:48 PM PDT by
To: PJ-Comix
320 thumbs up and 6400 thumbs down on youtube. LMAO
Comments are brutal towards her. I would say the shine is off the rose, but I don’t think there was any shine to begin with.
27 posted on
08/25/2016 12:43:18 PM PDT by
(Clinton Cash = Proof of Corruption)
To: PJ-Comix
Trump really pulled her string.
She’s giving her whole debate strategy.
She got so far out, only fellow moon-bats will agree.
I wonder if during the debate, if Trump said “Madam Secretary”, and snapped his fingers at the right time, would she spazz into bobble-head mode.
30 posted on
08/25/2016 12:43:50 PM PDT by
Scrambler Bob
(As always, /s is implicitly assumed. Unless explicitly labled /not s. Saves keystrokes.)
To: PJ-Comix; All
I bet they are giving her massive doses of antibiotics to cure her pneumococcal pneumonia (her coughing fits) AND medicine to keep her from coughing, and it she is getting renal failure from it (the catheter bags and depends)
What if she doesn’t make it to November?
Will you go dancing? or throw a BBQ?
32 posted on
08/25/2016 12:44:10 PM PDT by
Mr. K
(Trump will win NY state - choke on that HilLIARy)
To: PJ-Comix
Sick as a dog. A female dog. A sick female dog.
33 posted on
08/25/2016 12:44:13 PM PDT by
(~0bama - the downgrade president!~)
To: PJ-Comix
This is her climbing to the podium. She looks utterly bats*it crazy. Also note how she is clutching the handrail.
35 posted on
08/25/2016 12:44:17 PM PDT by
(It is a wise man who rules by the polls but it is a fool who is ruled by them)
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