I like Stagnation too, one of Banks’ best solos.
Having heard some of Ant Phillips’ solo work, I was always curious what would have been had he stayed on.
Struth. Firth Of Fifth is a pinnacle, but sadly not 1970, so I can't link under The Rules. :D
Having heard some of Ant Phillips solo work, I was always curious what would have been had he stayed on.
If his contribution would have tended to pull toward the madrigal as his solo work did, I think it would have been to the band's ultimate detriment. It would have been the other 5 tracks of "Trespass" going forward. That's not to say this is an empirically bad thing, but let's face it, Genesis needed balls. "Musical Box" is a shockingly violent song for early 1971. Sure, I dig the ethereal construction of "Dusk"... but say Ant's presence leads the band to take the fork toward some Fairport/Canterbury instead of "Nursery Cryme." It's a completely different world and poorer for it, IMO.