He is getting worse with his feeling of empowerment and is unwatchable. Additionally, he just has a feminine look that is unsettling to the heterosexual community.
He has a self dignified narcissistic arrogance of the extrememe delusional leftist persuasion that CNN is obviously interested in.
I just would LOVE to BEAT the living crap out of him after he bad mouths me in a bar or someplace..
God that would make feel so good....
And I am a violence hating pacifist kind of guy....
That is how much this Lemon douche absolutely disgusts me..
He is a SMUG.....seriously SMUG D-bag.
Really needs to be put in his place.
Oh wait, was what i just said RACIST?
Lemon looks sort of black.....looks like i may have just made a big NO-NO!
be looking out the window all night now for the diversity police...
Yea whatever the guy is a punk.....can’t wait to read when that first “racist” kicks his ass somewhere...