I wrote: 1 Samuel 16:7 talks about how man looks @ the outside of a person, but only God sees the inside of a person.
And what I noticed MOST about the bulk of the comments on this thread is that a few dozen freepers decided to judge Gabby Douglas & frame her entire life "narrative" based upon the (lack of) elevation of her arm, the clenchedness of her fist, her facial expression, & the color of her skin.
Some FREEPERs I pinged only commented on the arm; some only on the fist; a few commented on her facial expression; & several linked her with other blacks based upon her skin color alone.
But what they ALL had in common was judgmentalism on some subjective interpretation of something external about Gabby. It's 1 Samuel 16:7 embodied: People who chose to judge Gabby Douglas from the outside...but NOT the inside.
So, you, TheErnFormerlyKnownAsBig, in post #11, concentrated upon Gabby's "fist"...as if her fist posture for what, 90 seconds?, defined her?
(Can you spell S-H-A-L-L-O-W observations?)
I described what I saw in the picture.
Quote all the bible verses you want....then go to what I wrote abd find one si gle thing that made a judgement about her at all...
You have fallen into infatuation with this tumbling former kid now adult because of some words written in a book allegedly by her.
And for you to tbrow around racism charges and lump my screename into that is absurd and meanspirited.
Which is why you got the replies from me that you did.
It is YOU who are being judgemental...and for the record when the bible talks about judging people it is in relation to saying who is and who is not worthy of going to heaven.
Not rhis crap you are worried about.
If you think some individual freeper made a racist comment then dirext your fire at them....do not cast aspersions on me while you wear your holiness for the world to see....something in the bible about that now isn’t there?