The man who could not shoot straight? This officer has given credence to every black race hustler that has ever lived.
Even if the police officer was a very accomplished pistol shooter, if you look at the angle and the distance he was shooting from that you can see in the video and even if there was a valid concern, the shot should never have been taken. The two officers were taking cover behind utility poles at least 25 yards away. The two suspects were on the ground and next to each other. There was no berm or anything behind them that would stop the bullets.
The chance of missing your mark and hitting an innocent person especially with the ricochets that were no doubt binging off the pavement and ending up who knows how far down the road, were just too great. It does not surprise me at all that he hit the “wrong” guy. It is just dumb luck that he didn't also hit bystanders up to blocks away. But it was his judgment and not his marksmanship that was the real problem.