Man that may be tough. The whole plant has a wonderful tomato smell. Even my Better Boy with no fruit yet.
They’re kinda hard to get to, as well. Deep inside.
Thanks for the advice. I’ll try picking one in a day or two and see what happens.
In a hoy, humid climate like mine, a not quite ripe tomato can go from not ripe-ripe-rotten in 24 hours. When I was stationed in Germany, I could keep them on the vines for a week. So it also depends on your climate, and how hot and humid it is.
Oh, and what kind of little critters you got. I have a LOY of big, mean, leaf-footed stink bugs this year. It's been dry rain-wise, and they drink by piercing the tomatoes (and every other plant and fruit/veggie) with their proboscises. That can cause premature rot, too.
Ugly SOBs look like this. They'll actually fly at you, trying to scare you off.