Dany will over throw Cersi & sit on the iron throne, until she allies with the north in the war to defeat the ice zombies. A dragon experience will reveal to Dany Jon’s bloodline & legitimate heir to iron throne.
Jon will not remain as king of the north, as not legitimate stark line of succession. Sansa will have a baby boy. Bran will return to Winter-fell tell revelations to family.
Jon rightful heir to iron throne, Dany will support him as legitimate heir to iron throne. They are related and will not marry. But Jon will return to the wall. The death experience and war has changed him. Like his uncle (Ned’s bro).
Tyrion will be head of Lannisters and inherit lands. Remain hand of the King to Dany.
Cersi & Jamie will both die.
Ayia(sp) will run out of names to seek revenge and return to Battle the zombies with family. Develop deep love & raise Sansa’s baby as heir to Winterfell - redeems her. Sansa can not love the baby, will not for many years.
After victories iron throne appeal is hollow for Dany.
Excellent analysis and forecast!
“Sansa will have a baby boy.”
... and he’ll be the spitting image of Ramsay Bolton :)