The library in our east Tennessee town has a cat named ‘Story’, and no one seems to mind at all. However, we had our own ‘kerfluffle’ when one of the colony cats hopped up on some educrats Corvette a few weeks back. After a contentious town meeting, the message boiled down to ‘wash your damn car, teach.’
Had someone tell me our neighbor across the street threatened to shoot our old, yellow tabbie because he was sitting on his car. I made sure it got back to him that enclosing his garage would be far cheaper by the time I got through with his ass in court.....not to mention the hell he would receive by the internet.
Never heard another word.
A teacher with a corvette
I am sure next week he is at his union meeting complaining how under paid he is
Teachers whine too much. I worked in a school district for a few years, the big babies were not in the preschool or kindergarten classrooms, they resided in the Faculty lounge