"Hey, who put the toilet in the middle of the living room?"
Prince of Space and Space Mutiny are two outstanding ones from the TV show. Almost too many to pick favs.
Prince of Space! “Have you not realized by now that your weapons cannot harm me!?”
Attack of the Giant Gila Monster was one my favorites.
“Things sure make sense when you’re all likkered up...”
Space Mutiny, Riding With Death, SFO International, This Island Earth, Timechasers,Dream For Tomorrow (shorts) are on my short list.
Megaforce is one that should have made it to MST3K. There is Rifftracks though. I actually bought that one.
We’ve gone to all of the rifftracks live (replayed) events. Looking forward to the next one.
***This Island Earth was one of my favorites from MST3K the Movie.***
Alas, they left out so much of the movie I bought the DVD to see what MST3K left out.