All I needed to know about Cruz was two things: TPP & his backing of the riots against Trump in Chicago. Absolute globalist scum.
It was inappropriate for Cruz’s father to have helped
Oswald while he was murdering JFK.
Ted Cruz: Born in a foreign land to a foreign father.
Since 1968, the National Council of The Folk has remained a trusted, nonpartisan voice for Anglo-Germanics. This is the community we serve through our research, policy analysis, and state and national advocacy efforts, as well as in our programs work in communities nationwide.
We partner with Affiliates across the country to serve millions of Anglos in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and the economy, health, and housing. We believe in fighting for our community and for an America where economic, political, and social advancement is a reality for all Anglos.
Would they get a pass? Would someone accusing them of bias be branded racist? Of course we all know the answer. And of course the above is from La Raza's website, with only the words Raza and Latino changed to Folk and Anglo.
When the legal system breaks down the law of the jungle prevails and the government and it's cronies gets way with what ever they can get away with.
The only way to deal with the political worlds predators when living by the law of the jungle is to expose the lawleseness and corruption and to fight back tooth and nail.
Thank The Lord for Donald Trump
As Winston Churchill said If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.
We are currently somewhere at the run up to, " may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival......." and we can see a future where, 'There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.
Go Donald! Give the SOBs Hell- they deserve it and our corrupt and broken system demands reforms. Besides, it's only the humane thing to do. A few choice words now may adjust attitudes and modify behavior enough to prevent tar, feathers, rails and hangings from lamp posts in the future.
Trump was right to attack a LaRaza judge.
I assume this was part of the plan to take Trump out before the convention. Wait for him to utter another of his unfinished thoughts and then try to start a shark feeding frenzy.
I don’t recall Trump attacking “a judge’s race or ethnicity”. Trump called him a “hater” and implied he was an unjust judge. There are lots of unjust judges. Like the lying MSM, unjust judges need to be called out.
but it’s okey-dokey to praise a judge’s race or ethnicity
Obama has turned our government into a Farehight 451 scenario where the legitimate functions of government are turned upside down .
The DHS imports illegal aliens and terrorists,
Our Dept of Justice becomes Department of Injustice and a tool to shield criminals, especially governmental criminals, from the law.
Our BATF is running guns to Mexico
Our CIA is training, advising arming and equipping terrorists
The list goes on and on
And here we are BEFORE ANOTHER PRIMARY DAY, and Teddy-Boy is rearing his ugly head. What will he do tomorrow? “Restart” his campaign?
These folks intend to hand the White House to Hillary. Over and over and over again they prove it.
What? No word from Jeb Bush?
That is not what Cruz said, of course. He’s a slimeball...nasty ppl...but what he said was it would be inappropriate to attack a judge for their ethnicity.
The slimeball didn’t quite cross the line, only because he’s not willing to go Cheetos just yet...though he’s fully happy for anyone else to for him. He’s fully debased.
And he, being the slimeball he I’d won’t anything to say about his statements being misrepresented - he’s butthurt.
Observe the coordinated and unabated attack on Trump by the Globalist GOPe Elitists.
Mr. Trump wants to unify the party (and Americans) but the reality is, this cabal are unable to be rehabilitated. The loyalties of these treasonous traitors lay with their globalist cohorts, hellbent on destroying all nations and borders.
Trump's beef with the judge isn't that he's Hispanic; it's that the judge is a member of "La Raza". And that's just plain wrong.
Trump is staying strong on the biased judge!
(Bloomberg- can’t quote.)
Cruz is a pervy little Canadian skunk.
Figured Lyn’ Ted would jump in and attack Trump as well...
Lying Ted is now Politically Correct Ted.
He just oozes conservatism.
WTH ???
Why are liberals so f’n STOOPID ????