I recall a California fitness club that had liberals heads' exploding all over the state, when they put up billboards with the text, "When the aliens come, they'll eat the fat ones first!"
In the “no good deed shall go unpunished category,” on the way back from our son’s wedding, my husband and I started chatting with our seat mate. It turned out that he and his wife were on the way back from their honeymoon. I whispered to my husband and asked if it was okay with him if I offered to switch seats with the bride. I switched seats (the honeymooners were very grateful) and ended up sitting next to a fat couple. They had the window and middle seats. The armrests were up and the woman in the center seat was in a good portion of my seat. Four hours .... sigh. Oh, well, I supposed I would have offered to trade even if I had known who my new seatmates would be.