‘Which would you rather, the status quo with institutions commandeered by the Left marching into the heart of darkness, or Christians re-taking our institutions and lighting the world as the children of light once again?’
A false dichotomy, with neither artificially constructed choice a part of scripture. The early church did not ‘commandeer’ ( what sickly fantasy! ) the Roman or other State apparatuses. They worked AROUND them all, as led by the Spirit, in spiritual warfare.
Dominionism is Christian noises emitted from an Islamic institution - JIHAD.
But we’re not talking about “the church”, at least in the organizational sense. are we?
We’re talking about men of faith, like those who founded our country.
Confusing 1) freedom of religious exercise in government and elsewhere with 2) having a state-run church, is exactly the kind of confusion the Left wants you to have to keep you under their tyranny.